Please be aware with immediate effect that all Nights Away Notifications must be submitted 14 days prior to the event as bare minimum.
It has also been agreed that any Nights Away Notifications received after the minimum 7 days of an event will be automatically rejected.
Please ensure all volunteers on the event have a full role, a valid DBS, have mandatory training, without this they will not be able to attend.
All NAN notifications must be shared and discussed with the GLV prior to submission to NAN@bradfordsouthscouts.org.uk and added to the email communication.
It’s also recommend that the points shown on the TSA’s example RA for Nights Away should form the basis of any RA.
NAN must be submitted with the risk assessment for the event and agreement was made that OSM risk assessments are not appropriate.
Example risk assessments | Scouts
These changes are all been currently implemented by County in preparation for the changes been made by the Scouting Association later in the year.
The latest nights away notification form from the HQ WebSite is available here