Young People First (Yellow Card)

The welfare of children and young people is our priority. Everyone has a duty to report safeguarding concerns, and adults must follow this Safeguarding Code of Conduct (also known as the Yellow Card) The new requirement is for everyone to report any concern directly to the UK HQ Safeguarding Team. This makes sure that we’re […]

HQ WYScouts

Risk Assessments

We all do risk assessments or safety checks every day, such as when we cross the road. We choose an appropriate place to cross, look both ways and make a decision about whether it’s safe to cross. We know that young people learn by doing. Activities encourage the development of young people and they can […]


Good Service Awards

These awards are typically used for members who have consistently given service over and above that which is expected within their role. At Scouts we want to thank all our volunteers for their contribution to the Scouts – it’s an important way to make sure people stay with us and to recognise their achievements and […]


Digital Skills

Digital skills help us to find, create and share information with others. In an increasingly online world, they’ve become more important than ever. We know not everyone at Scouts is confident with technology, which is why we’ve developed a list of useful skills to help you with your volunteering. Jump in and put your digital […]


Getting Started Training

To support you in your first five months of volunteering with the Scouts we have a number of training modules for you to complete. You can complete these in any order. The below modules except *03 and 04 can be completed as independent learning and validated by successfully completing the online assessment at the end of the module. […]


Following rules and policy

The main purpose of Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) is to describe how the Scouts is structured, organised, managed and governed. It is impossible to set out in detail rules to cover every eventuality, which means that much depends upon the judgement of responsible people at every level of the movement. Everyone concerned should strive […]


Running a Section

Activity Planner – https://www.scouts.org.uk/activities/ Programme Planner – https://www.scouts.org.uk/programme-planner/plan Occasions & Events – https://www.scouts.org.uk/volunteers/running-your-section/planning-your-programme/occasions-and-events/ Badge Information – https://www.scouts.org.uk/activity-badges Top Awards – https://www.scouts.org.uk/volunteers/running-your-section/programme-guidance/information-for-volunteers/top-awards-for-young-people/


Brand Guidelines

Quite simply, our brand is who we are, what we look like and how we talk about ourselves. At the heart of our brand is the idea of skills for life. We help young people gain the skills they need to step up, speak up and find their place in the world. The other key […]


Scout Brand Centre

The Brand Centre can be used by any adult in Scouting, from a Beaver Scout Leader organising a fundraising event to a County Commissioner organising an AGM. A library of resources has been created for you to adapt and use. This includes: To access the resources click https://scoutsbrand.org.uk/ and register for a FREE Account.